Overcome balance and dizziness problems with vestibular rehabilitation.
Do you struggle with vertigo or dizziness? If left unaddressed, these conditions can impact your quality of life and make it hard to do everyday tasks. At Mooresville Sports & Physical Therapy, we want you to know you don’t have to live this way and want to introduce you to the concept of vestibular rehabilitation. This type of evidence-based therapy can treat balance and dizziness disorders, including different types of vertigo and labyrinthitis. Ultimately, vestibular rehabilitation is based on the body’s natural ability to compensate for balance issues.
The vestibular system located within the inner ear is responsible for controlling balance and eye movements, so if it becomes damaged by injury or disease, vestibular rehabilitation may be a beneficial treatment solution. Visit us in Mooresville, North Carolina, and we will evaluate your condition and perform a variety of tests to develop an individualized vestibular rehabilitation plan, which may include balance retraining strategies, sensory organization techniques, habituation exercises, and an individualized home exercise program.
During your assessment, we will evaluate your strength, range of motion, reflexes, and coordination in addition to reviewing your functional limitations, gaze stability, and static and dynamic balance. Once implemented, your vestibular rehabilitation plan can help you overcome issues with balance and dizziness, or at least greatly reduce your symptoms.
Start living life the way you want again by making vestibular rehabilitation part of your plan to overcome balance and dizziness issues. Contact us at Mooresville Sports & Physical Therapy today to set up your assessment and find out more about this effective therapy technique!
At Mooresville Sports & Physical Therapy, we offer vestibular rehabilitation for patients from Mooresville, Davidson, and Cornelius, North Carolina.